Originally the title of our blog was "the gospel of Matthew according to LAMP"; however, it has been changed to the "LAMP GOSPELS".

Reading more about relativism it occurred to me that:

"the gospels cannot be in accordance to us; instead it must be us whom are to be in accordance with the gospels". 

Furthermore, as partners with the gospels, the result simply becomes:

Lee Strobel has written a book called "the Case for the Real Jesus". In his book, he interviews Paul Copan, PH.D in the chapter titled, "People should be free to pick and choose what to believe about Jesus".

Strobel's discussion touches on the 2005 CBS survey, observation, that 8 out of 10 individuals shop for faith and custom tailor, God, Jesus, or whatever religion their path leads them on, to fit their personal preferences. 

In the realm of ideas; relativism plays a large role. When it comes to ideas between one another, we have the free will to form our own individual opinions. A commercial world has evolved into a do-it-yourself, customized, bundle, packaged, integrated services, feature and benefits consumption society. Couple that with values, attitudes, beliefs, and behavior absolutely follows accordingly. So it is no surprise that many take the same approach to their pursuit of faith, religion, spirituality, atheism, or otherwise.

One must be in accordance with God our heavenly father through Jesus Christ, who was crucified, and died for our sins then, now, and for all eternity.
 There is no other alternative. 

Relativism is certainly important within it's own applications. In terms of viewpoints, perspectives, philosophies and otherwise. However, relativism is always changing, adapting, evolving, never ending.

Relativism according to Sir Karl Popper, whom I consider an authority on the matter, as discussed in "of Clocks and Clouds" he proposed:
We as beings are problem solvers, and intellectually always evolving. Sir Popper's scheme is as follows:

1. Problem or situation is identified. "It is hot outside."
2. A temporary solution is determined. "Wear light and cool clothing."
3. Errors and Omissions. "I forgot to consider how bright it is out here. The glare is heavy."
4. New Problem. "I need to find something so I can see better."

Feedback loop ongoing.
Relativism is inconclusive; however, God is truth, and that is conclusive. Relativism cannot be applied to God. We were made by God and certainly given free will, however, we are not entitled to custom tailor God. Who are we, to ascertain who or what God should be and dictate the terms of the relationship.

God is beyond our comprehension, and we are a speck in His world, that He created. Yet in spite of our disrespect, ultimate selfishness, et all, God loves each of us, again, beyond our own comprehension.

You can argue all day long about the theory of evolution etc., Darwin, Descartes "I think, therefore, I am"....

So what, there where giraffes with short necks, and they evolved to have longer necks.

Budweiser had canned beer, and evolved to the "long neck" bottle. When you where born you had to walk, before least such was the case for most of us. If you ran first..that is another topic...

All these examples are adaptive and changing, God does not change, God is constant, God is truth.

Therefore we conclude that this will not be Matthew in accordance to LAMP, instead this will be the LAMP in accordance with the gospels, or simply the LAMP GOSPELS

Furthermore, this is presenting the Descartes philosophers/followers with yet another problem to solve, and another loop on their never ending road of relativism.

as Jesus Christ, the Son of God, said, "I AM WHO I AM".