The Remnant of Israel

Brothers and Sisters,

Romans chapter 11 makes three enormous promises concerning the Messianic remnant of Israel. This seemingly insignificant group of people in the eyes of the world will actually be the key to:

Restoration in the Church
Revival in Israel
Resurrection of the Dead

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Nevertheless, the thought that came to mind today through the Holy Spirit was the following:

my opinion is that nation states and national boundaries are disappearing in some form and fashion. protectionism, travel and living restrictions, immigration control, may impact this, However, my question is?

Is ISRAEL in the future and in terms of bible prophecy a specific geographic location OR is it in terms of the people regardless of geographic location? If geographic location is removed from the conclusion, then prophecy that ISRAEL will never be destroyed becomes even more viable.

It is disheartening that where i once saw worlds with no border's, all it takes is the fear of economic hardship and men become afraid. the result: laws are forged to gather power, protectionism emerges.

I say to you brothers and sisters, no law made by man shall over ride FAITH in Christ. For it is the law made by men to gain more power and take away the people's freedom. FAITH in Christ contains nothing of this and breaks no moral or ethical law. therefore FAITH in Christ, as it is written in the Bible, is above the law of man, the result; ultimate freedom.